Teen Challenge of New Mexico
Teen Challenge of New Mexico began in July 1984, with nothing more than a desire to help troubled people.

Its purpose is to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive!

The Teen Challenge Cure is based on four principles:
1. There is HOPE!
2. Sin, not drugs, is the major root problem.
3. The only cure for sin and its symptoms is Jesus Christ.
4. Christ within you, which Teen Challenge refers to as the Jesus Factor, takes the desire for sin out of an individual's life.

When the urge to sin is taken out, the desire for drugs, alcohol and all manner of deviant behavior is removed.

Teen Challenge of New Mexico
PO Box 20610
Albuquerque NM 87154-0610
Tel: 505 281- 8467
Fax: 505 286- 1380
E-mail: teenchallengenm@msn.com
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